Roots Unearthed: The Tree of Life

Come with us on a journey of self-discovery and resilience in our workshop. This is more than just creating a tree; it's a celebration of your individual story and a recognition of the strength and resilience that is within you. The Tree of Life becomes a powerful metaphor, connecting us to our roots and empowering us to embrace who we are and where we come from. Through this hands-on experience, you'll craft a tangible representation of your own unique narrative. From the intertwining branches of your hopes and dreams to the leaves (important peoples in our lives both past and present) and the ‘fruits’ they have brought to our lives. Join us in this creative exploration, where your tree becomes a source of empowerment and reminder of the knowledge you have and the rich tapestry that shapes your identity.

The Tree of Life Workshop provides a powerful platform for you  to visually express personal narratives and fostering a sense of empowerment and ownership over your unique stories. Through the creation of the tree, you explore the metaphor of growth, resilience, and renewal. The workshop encourages a positive perspective on life's challenges, emphasising the ability to overcome obstacles and thrive, helping changing your outlook and building you up.

Crafting the Tree of Life prompts self-reflection, allowing you  to explore your identity and gain insights into the diverse branches of your life journey. This process fosters a greater sense of self-awareness and acceptance, and connecting to your roots, or the roots of important people in your life. While exploring the tree you are encouraged to engage in a reflective process, connecting with the past and present, connecting you to the roots and heritage of people who matter to you.