Wonky Workshop Training

Wonky Workshops aim to provide safe spaces for staff and community members to discuss Aboriginal Culture and contemporary Aboriginal issues to create deeper understanding and build Cultural Empathy and Cultural Competence.

Our Wonky Workshops allow all participants to…

  • Freely express their experiences of racism and or knowledge of Aboriginal Cultural Concepts.

  • Feeling safe in expressing opinions and emotions in a respectful way.

  • Develop deeper understanding of some basic concepts about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Testimonials for our Wonky Workshops

Wonky Workshops

  • Unpacking False Narratives of Aboriginal Families

    Tamara openly shares her story of growing up Aboriginal to open the doors to truth telling with purpose. Bring your curiosity and questions with you as we share together and talk openly about the contemporary Aboriginal experience living in Australia.

  • What is Trauma?

    Tamara provides training about the definitions of traumas, particularly Intergenerational Trauma. And explaining how these traumas impact our brains and bodies and that there is always hope in healing trauma because of the incredible resilience of our brains.