Soul Canvas: Emotive Portraits

Step into the world of emotional expression with our Emotive Portrait Painting workshop. This transformative experience goes beyond traditional portrait painting, inviting you to externalise your internal emotions onto the canvas. Guided by skilled Narrative Therapist Tamara, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery as you use brushstrokes and colours to articulate the intricate landscape of your feelings. This workshop is not about capturing a likeness but delving into the depths of your emotions, allowing the canvas to become a mirror reflecting your inner world. Whether that be joy, sorrow, or resilience, each stroke becomes a testament to your unique emotional journey. Join us in this creative exploration where self-expression knows no bounds, and your canvas becomes a powerful medium for unearthing and embracing the depths of your emotions.

Our "Soul Canvas: Emotive Portraits Workshop" offers a cathartic outlet for you to externalise and release internal emotions through the expressive medium of painting, promoting a sense of emotional release and relief. Experience a profound sense of empowerment as you externalise emotions on canvas. The workshop encourages a non-judgmental space for creative expression, empowering individuals to embrace the complexity of their feelings and communicate them authentically.

By engaging in the process of painting emotive portraits, you will be  encouraged to explore your own mind and emotions, which will increase your understanding and self-awareness of how your mind processes emotions. Fostering a deeper understanding and connection with your inner self, Translating your internal emotions into external art, is a very therapeutic and healing  mental experience.